Autumn is the season of change, with colors sweeping through trees and temperatures dropping down. But for homeowners, this is the time for the all-important home and garden upkeep checklist to be ticked off.
While most people neglect their lawns during fall, it’s actually the ideal time to prep for the aggressive winter season. Paul James, the host of “Gardening by the Yard”, suggests that homeowners start six weeks before the first good freeze.
To ensure that your lawn and garden remain tidy during this period, there are a few things that you must add to your fall checklist:
• Landscape maintenance: Tidy up your lawn, flowerbeds, bushes, gardens, and more. Remove unsightly foliage, dead stems, piles of leaves, and other debris. Fluff the mulch with a rake so that water can seep into the subsoil.
• Plant fall vegetables: Cool-season vegetable gardens can flourish during this season with the right plants – lettuce, greens, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, potatoes, and more. Create all the delicious soups and hearty stews from scratch.
• Stay hydrated and relaxed: Gardening for hours under the fall sun could leave you exhausted, strained, and dehydrated. Remember to drink enough water, stretch your muscles often and take breaks.
If you suffer from muscle aches, keep Absorbine Jr. handy to relieve the pain. It contains natural menthol to soothe muscle and back pain and herbal ingredients to relieve sunburn and insect bites.
• Bring indoor plants inside: During fall, potted or container plants cannot survive outside; thus, you need to make room indoors for tropical plants, herbs, and succulents. Potted perennials can be transplanted into a garden after trimming their roots and top growth.
• Clean garage, shed, or outbuildings: Once you’ve organized your storage space, put all your summer tools or patio furniture neatly away. Additionally, you can place your newly emptied planters next to your other family stuff.
In conclusion, the fall season is a crucial time for homeowners to prepare for the harsh winter season ahead. By following the mentioned tips, you can efficiently carry out your garden and home maintenance checklist.